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CFMA's Winter Roundtable, Driving Results in Times of Adversity Presentation

Mara Johnston moderated a panel for the NYC Chapter of the CFMA's Winter Roundtable, Driving Results in Times of Adversity in February, 2021.

Our knowledgeable panelists Laurie A. Stanziale, Terry Pissi, Victoria Scala, Victoria Scolaro, and Connie Pisani Zambianchi, shared their experiences and personal insight into the challenges they faced specific to the construction industry throughout 2020 and what lessons they will bring forward with them into 2021.

The Discussion Included changes to company culture or ways of working while keeping your team cohesive and proactive, methods on continuing relationships with existing clients and forming new ones with less in person interaction and leveraging new tools and technology to lead your team and drive results. The roundtable included various polling questions with the audience, which produced a report that was shared following the panel.


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