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Winter Seminar Series: Holistic Project Perspectives

Keystone Global along with Peckar & Abramson, P.C. and American Global, LLC, hosted a Winter Seminar Series at Club 101 in New York City.

Steven Plate, Chief of Major Capital Projects, The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey provided an inspiring Keynote Speech on their upcoming program including projects such as Gateway Tunnel, the Bus Terminal, World Trade Center and more. 

Afterward, a panel of industry professionals discussed Holistic Project Perspectives. Topics included alignment and collaboration of all stakeholders, managing risk and evaluating alternative procurements, to name a few. The panelists included Mit Jha of Keystone Global, Jade Bailey, P.E., PMP, LEED AP, DDC, Caryn Maxfield at American Global, David Tweedy at Bravo Group, and Levi Barrett with Peckar & Abramson.


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